Thursday, November 09, 2006


This totally, well almost totally black male cat is the opposite of Wijna. We call hen the stress kitten. He’s always nervous, like waiting for something horrible to happen that would never come. We suspect that part of his fear is due that he had a father called Lucifer en grew up in a place with people living in difficult conditions. I began to make acquaintance with him after knowing that some times the people that had him didn’t have enough to feed him. I then began to visit this people and brought food for the cat. After a while he came to live to my place. Wijna felt that her territory was being invaded. She made life very difficult for him for a while. But guess what happened. Felix discovered that he had bigger teeth and nails than Wijna. Now he goes after her. Now they have managed to share the spaces together. Wijna has become gentler en Felix has some white hairs to show for his rough past.


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